Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Control unit: This unit controls the input unit, storage unit, arithmetic unit and the output unit. It is equivalent to the human central nervous system.
Output unit: This unit outputs the results of computer processing in a format that can be understood by humans. It is equivalent to the human hands and mouth.
Fiber lies at the heart of the telecommunications infarstructure and is argubly the most important development in the industry's hisrory. 
Удирдлагын хэсэг: энэ нь оролтын хэсэг, санах ойн хэсэг , үйлдлийн хэсэг болон гаралтын хэсгийг удирддаг. Энэ нь хүний гол судасны тогтолцоотой ижилхэн.

Гаралтын хэсэг: компьютерийн үйл ажиллагааны үр дүнг гаргадаг. Энэ нь хүний гар болон амтай ижилхэн . 

шилэн технологи нь цахилгаан холбооны дэд бүтцийн гол цөмд нь байрлалаар ирсэн ба яах аргагүй үйлдвэрийн түүхэн дэх хамгийн чухал хөгжил юм

Friday, December 2, 2016

ICT in my future life

Information and Communication Technology pervades modern society to the extent that many countries now regard the mastery of ICT as a core element of basic education.

Engineering is largely a partical activity . It is about putting ideas into action. Electronic  engineering is concerned with developing components and equipment for communicatoins, computing and so on. We design almost everything that everybody ever consumes ever. I will take aspects of the ICT that I use and I will explain why and how they help me in my day-to-day routine. These are things that affect daily life the most, they help me with presenting homework, help me keep in contact with people. To illustrate the importance of Information and Communications technology (ICT) for the smooth running of a multi-site business. Information and communications technology is a system used to control, manage, process and create information through telecommunications technology and computers. I can also find out about the use of ICT in colleges because I go to a college as well and I experience the use of ICT daily. I will be able to find out information to include from many sources.

ICT in Society ICT is used in many different ways in day to day life and everyone uses it in some form. ICT technology is changing the world.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Buide To The Component Inside My Computer
   Hello and welcome to videojug. We’re going to show you what the major components inside your computer are and tell you a little about what each of them do. Guiding us on this tour will be Phil Borton of East a technology support in brighton.
   Step1. The major components
The major components of a computer are the motherboard the cpu or central processing unit. RAM or the random access memory.
   Graphics card
The graphics card the power supply the hard disk or hard drive the optical drive also known as a CD drive.
   Step2. Hardware
Hardware and software all of these components are usually found within the tower of a desktop computer. They are referred to as hardware. Hardware can be thought of as the actual physical components that go into the computer. Software refers to the programs and systems that operate within the hardware.
   Step3. The motherland
The motherland is the heart of the computer. It is the largest and most fundamental components is attached to it in some way. This is because all the different components used the mother board to communicate and work with each other.
  The motherboard has a series of slots socket and connectors for attaching the components of a pc. In most cases the memory accessory cards and cpu are installed directly into the motherboard. The drivers are peripherals communicate with the motherboard through wired range of motherboards to choose from. They different features speed capacity and the cpu supported. They also different size shape and layout. This is commonly referred to as the form factor step for the cpu. CPU stands for central processing unit this is the brain of the computer and is often referred to as the processor of the chip. It is found under a heatsink and from and sits directly on the motherboard. The CPU directs coordinates and communicates with the other components are performs all of the thinking. It is not really thinking what a cpu actually does it perform mathematical calculation. It is the software that people write that translates these calculations into useful functions for us.
   Step5. RAM-Random Access memory
RAM stands for random access memory and comes as modules and predefined amounts. It is also found directly on the motherboard and usually in one two or for slots.The memory chips store information temporarily for short term used by the cpu. Ram is used to store information for files that are actually being used by the cpu at any given time. The computers ram memory is an entired different thing from the stores information permancently for long-time use.
   Step6. Graphics card
The graphics card or video card translate information to the graphics and tax that appear on the monitor screen. Host motherboards now include a slot specifically designed for the graphics adapter called the AGP slot. Modern graphics adapters usually incorporate some memory write on the card to improve their performance.
   Step7. The Power supply
This supplies power to the other components which is why it has so many wires coming out of it. It is usually positioned at the back top-corner of the computer case. The power supply has a fan built into it to keep itself and the computer cool.
   Step8. The hard disk
A  hard disk which is also called a hard drive is much like a filing cabinet.The programs and data is stored on the hard disk and the computer accesses them as they are needed when the computer accesses the hard drive.It is reading and moving the stored information into the ram memory.That memory is the temporary workspace. However the original file is still on the hard disk and has left undisturbed until the file is saved. When the computer stores or saves information it writes a data to the hard disk. That process results in the old file being replaced or modified with the new information. If you save data to a new file or install new software. The information is written to the disk in an available unused portion of the disk.
Step9. Optical drive
The optical drive is often called a DVD drive or a CD drive. It sits at the front of the computer for ease of access and use a laser to read and write information to CDs and DVDs done.

Tech Trends
Top Tech Trends 2016
   In my role technology distribution can it’s important to love five years out to see what industry is headed in the long term but much of my attention is focused on the near future identifying the technology and trends that are ready to be put to use a tablet over the next 12 months. With that in mind her for the top IT trends that I believe a poised to gain real traction in 2016.
            My number for trend is the software-defined data center. From the beginning data centers will be made up of silos of servers storage and networking hard way but that model is redundant and expensive and it makes it difficult to allocate resources quickly. That’s a problem for IT teams that are feeling pressure to improve responsiveness and decrease maintenance costs. In a software-defined data center all the essential elements of a computing platform a pool together virtualized and managed to a common set of application programming interfaces. With all of the data centers resources pulled together it’s easier and faster to monitor and reallocate compute storage network in and even security resources according to the needs of the business.
 Production-ready software-defined data center offerings and now available from established vendors vendors as well as from new cameras and I tea shops are looking for safe and proven ways to movie to a software-defined-environment. That delivers the stability and the agility that their businesses require.
My number three top trend is what I call a mobile first approach until now most mobility initiatives will focus on providing mobile devices with the same access and security that we find on desktop and laptop PCs. The mobile versus approach turns out world view on its head.
 It’s not about matching the PC experience and a small device anymore. It’s about getting the most of the unique advantages that mobile platforms have to offer. Such as the ability to easily capture pictures documents and also knowing the precise location of device as mobile devices get more convenient security with a broader adoption of biometrics.
   I expect more businesses will be thinking mobile-first in 2016 for both customers and employees. My second top IT- tried 4 2016 is machine learning. I see machine learning is a logical evolution of the exponential growth of data and data analytics. That we’ve been seen over the last few year big data and data analytics today are mostly concerned with mine in large quantities of data to provide insights that leaders can use to make informed decisions with speed.
   However those results of focus on helping business leaders interpret past activity. A machine learning on the other hand is about using the same data sets to predict future behavior. Today Google, Facebook and Amazon or relying on machine learning to deliver content ads and products that use your past activity to predict what you’ll be interested in next IBM’s Watson initiative extends its significant machine learning capabilities to IBM customers.
   A machine learning is also at the heart of Google’s efforts to develop self-driving vehicles. As the engineers at Google will tell you it’s easier to drive a car when you can predict what’s around the corner rather than having to focus on the road behind you and running the businesses is no different. That’s why I believe machine learning will be one of this year’s top trends to gain traction as organizations like to predict the future as well as they can analyze the past.
   My top IT trends for 2016 is the internet of things specifically the industrial Internet of things. One study from the mckinsey global institute estimates that IOT will deliver up to 11 trillion dollars of global economic impact on an annual basis just 10 years from now and a significant proportion of that was going to be made up the industrial IOT.
  For example, one of a minute industrial equipment customers has begun in bed in connected sensors into the field based equipment. This gives our customers the ability to let maintenance teams know when a component is about to break down but before it actually happens. This happens this simple warning helps avoid costly downtime and emergency repairs. It also ensures that the service technicians have exactly the right parts they need when than arrive on site.

   2016 will be the year the IOT hits critical mass. The opportunity is simply too large for that but the building blocks for the ecosystem and now in place. Making it easier faster and less expensive to prototype and roll out real world IOT solutions. That’s why it’s my number-one trend for 2016. To find out how these and other top technology trends are being applied inside the enterprise in the year to come. Stay tuned to this text and series and to my blog behind the firewall and don’t forget to give us a thumbs up or post  a comment below this video is a value to you.
What is ICT?
  Hi my name is Even Huan, hi my name is Chris from and we want to talk to you about the ICT sector in Ireland. ICT stands for information and communications technology and that means that covers all of the technologies and businesses involved in the creation and processing of digital information that includes all fines of computing from building web pages to write and software to control a rocket from assembly the home computer to managing a complete office computer system from creating special effects for the film to designing the technologies broadcast TV and radio across the globe from studying the appropriate computer equipment to customer to providing the support needed to ensure the successful use of a new software system in a large organization this is a big industry really big in fact it’s the largest businesses in the world and it’s growing all of the time. Why well because at its heart it’s concerned with making life easier and better for everyone of us.
  Hi I’m Lionel Alexander and the Vice President and Managing Director of hewlett-packard manufacturing here in the league slip kill their the ICT sector is a very key sector that not only drive the economy and the future island but more importantly is changing the lifestyle of people everyday. In Ireland there over 70,000 people working in over 1,300 firms directly involved an effective IC to use a big part of our economy much bigger than it is in the UK or most of the rest of the world Ireland a tiny country barely visible on the globe is one of the top three exporter of software and the world. Neither 10 top software companies in the world have significant operations here island is home to many global players across all I city business areas city business areas such as internet space data storage.  
  Telecommunications software and computer systems with instantly recognizable names such as Intel dell Microsoft IBM Apple HD Google Ericsson sap yahoo and even facebook the sector accounts for approximately a third of the country’s expert. Which is hugely important for our economy by any measure the ICT sector has been a significant drive in the arch economy whether in terms of employment output for the creation of wealth. As well as been engaged in a range of business functions they provide the enabling technology to other sectors it has been a source of successful Irish enterprice and startups and has contributed men stage the economic success of the country in church.  
  The ICC section Ireland can boast world-class industry achievement. One of the main reasons we have such a strong presence in the sector’s equality and diversity of our workforce. The location of the world’stop level software companies in Ireland has meant the critical mass of technical and professional expertise has been reached in the sector.      The availability of highly skilled individuals are both graduate and senior level positions allows software companies to access a group of people.
  That is essential to achieve growth in the industry we also have a lot of qualified people from a wide range of nationalities who can contribute their technical knowledge and skills and their native languages. Yourselves the ever increasing need to provide services globally from operations based here. Recent figures and students entering carrot level 2 arising demand for engineering and technology courses .We are now realizing that the world needs more people who are technologically we’re in every industry in Sector. National Skills strategy compiled by the expert group on future skills needs has found that the requirement for technical knowledge will rise across almost all occupations in the future. Even in times of rising unemployment demand for highly qualified graduates in disciplines including computer science and engineering is expected to continue.
   This is also true or of the supporting roles which the technology depends. The current economic downturn may affect the timing of that demand but it is unlikely to affect the overall trend. We as a nation.
  Let’s ensure that I remains one of the best performance in terms of producing. Who combined their technical know-how from the science engineering technologies areas. People include the development of ICT skills into their career planning. Will always be in a stronger position to adap to the changing world Connery and ensure that Ireland’s ICT that there continues to hold this position on the world stage.
  My name is tomorrow and the general manager of Intel and are kids coming to the system today who have an interest in science engineering and technology should have no fears about the future of working in that industry here in Ireland.
  So if you want to have an aspiration that’s beyond essentially a good job and a good career think about the aspiration of being involved in an enterprice that makes a difference across the whole globe Intel in Ireland and companies like Intel and Ireland have a challenge on their hands and that’s to continue to help Ireland b’fast be nimble  because we’re operating on a global stage and Arlen needs people working in engineering and technology it needs the best brains working in those environments so that Ireland as a nation can prosper and grow the future is changing.

   ICT technology is changing the world. It’s going to change the way people consumed in the knowledge that the way people distribute the knowledge and the way people use their knowledge. If you want to change the world and if you want to make a difference choose ICT as a career band.












Position applied for:


Date of application:



I understand, and agree, to the following:

1.   That an offer of employment is subject to accepting the terms and conditions of the Diab
Engineering Pty Ltd Employee Enterprise Agreement.

2.   That a copy of the Employee Enterprise Agreement and Fair Work Information Statementwill be provided to me, may be downloaded at and is also available from the work site, administration office, and on request by email or post.

3.  That if I am considered suitable for employment with Diab Engineering I will be provided with my individual Confirmation Notice” confirming my employment classification, rate of pay and work site location.

4.  That, upon request, I may be required to provide Diab Engineering with a pre-employment medical, drug and alcohol clearance and a police clearance.

5.  I must observe all Health & Safety Regulations, and Diab Engineering policies.

6.  I may be required to work reasonable” additional hours.

7.  I may be required to work on locations where I am unable to return to my place of residence each day.

8.  That my employment will be subject to ongoing fitness for work testinginclusive of random drug and alcohol testing.

9.   Diab Engineering will collect, record, and retain personal information during the recruitment process, and in the course of my employment.

10. Clients of Diab Engineering may, with the approval of Diab Engineering, be provided with my personal information during the course of my employment;

I declare that the information provided by me in this application is complete and accurate. If any information provided by me is deemed by Diab Engineering to be false or misleading, then my application will be withdrawn and if my employment has commenced then my employment may be summarily terminated.

Signature of Applicant:








Residential address:

16-27toot/ 2r khoroo/ bayanzurkh district/ Ulaanbaatar city/ Mongolia

Postal address:


Home phone:


Date of Birth:



If Naturalised, date and place:

Are you an Australian resident?
Yes    No        If No, please attach copy of your VISA
Are you Indigenous?
(optional reply)
Yes    No

Gnaala Karla Booj 

Marital status:
Emergency contact name:

Relationship to you:

Home phone:


Address of

When are you available to commence employment?

Do you have a current police clearance?

Date and State or
Territory of Issue:

Please list all licenses held, including drivers & forklift. Attach all copies.
License Number









Additional information:

SECTION 4. education





High School

2r Secondary school,

Uwurkhangai-Kharhorin, Mongolia

11 yaers



Bus. or Trade School

Professional School

Science and Technology University

 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

 4 yaers



NOTE: Section 79 of the Worker’s Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981 give the Worker’s Compensation Board discretion to refuse to award compensation which would otherwise be payable when it is proved that the worker has, at the time of seeking or entering employment, wilfully and falsely represented themselves as not having previously suffered from a disability, the subject of the claim for compensation. You are required to advise Diab Engineering of any pre existing medical condition or claim.
Injury / Illness
Dates from/to

Additional information:

Applicant Signature                                                                                            Date_                                       


Doctor’s name:


Doctors Ph:

Doctor’s Address:

 Kharhorin, Uwurkhangai

6.1 Medical Questionnaire
Diab Engineering believes that people with certain medical conditions may be at risk of aggravating those medical conditions when working in some areas or sites.  To help Diab Engineering identify and advise, you are asked to
complete the questionnaire on the following pages.  This information could be vital in helping render appropriate first aid to you in the case of illness or injury.
This information will be stored as a confidential medical record file under strict security and will be available to you, Diab Engineerings Treating Officers (Occupational Health Nurse, Emergency Services Officers, Safety Advisors) and company Doctor. With the exception of a genuine medical emergency, it will not be made available
to any third party without your express permission.
You are required to update this information should there be any significant change in your health whilst employed with Diab Engineering.

Are you taking any pills or medication?

Yes     No  

If yes, have you obtained a fit for work” medical clearance?

Yes     No  

Are you allergic to any medication?

Yes     No  

If yes, please provide details below.





Major Operations

Major illnesses

Physical Handicaps


Please tick the appropriate box if you have suffered from any of the following illnesses or injuries
Childhood asthma


Asthma/wheezing in last 2 years

Liver problems or hepatitis

Shortness of breath

High blood pressure

Bronchitis in last 2 years

Do you have a heart pacemaker

Persistent cough in last 2 months

Heart problems -     angina, abnormal heart valves, heart attack, heart failure

Hay Fever

Kidney, bladder/urine problems

Sinusitis or chronic sinus problems

Fits, seizures, blackouts, epilepsy

Fear of confined spaces

Inability to work underground

Dermatitis, eczema or similar allergic
skin conditions

Dizziness or vertigo

Psoriasis chronic skin condition

Persisting headaches or migraine

Tennis or golfers or other chronic
elbow problems
(exclude minor sprains 1-2 days)

Head injury with loss of consciousness
of more than a few minutes or fractured skull

Neck or upper back problems/injury
(exclude minor sprains 1-2 days)

Do you have problems with eyesight

Shoulder problems or injury
(exclude minor sprains 1-2 days)

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses

Serious knee injury cartilage, cruciate
ligament rupture

A significant fear of heights or confined

Chronic knee or hip problems

Allergy or reactions to  -  Ammonia

Low back problems or injury
(exclude minor sprains 1-2 days)

Allergy or reaction to Sulfur

Attend chiropractor/physiotherapist on
regular basis for spinal manipulation

Allergy or reaction to other chemicals?

Hernia or hernia repair

Allergy or reaction to bees

Foot problems

Any other allergies

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above, please provide additional information below:

Do you have a condition that precludes you from wearing PPE and / or safety footwear?
Yes     No  
If yes, please provide additional information in the section above and attach medical evidence.
If you are, or have been, a smoker please complete the following:
Are you currently a smoker?
Yes     No  
Do you, or have you ever had, a smoking related illness?
Yes     No  
If yes, please provide additional information in the section above.
When did you commence smoking?

When did you cease smoking?

Approximately how many (cigs or cigars) / much (grams) per day do you (or did you) smoke?



Employment Application Form (required before employment can commence)

Bank Details

Superannuation Choice Form (if approved by Diab Engineering)

Tax Declaration

Medical and/or drug and alcohol clearance (if requested)

Police Clearance (if requested)

Trade Certificate (if applicable)

Drivers Licence (if applicable)

Other Licenses (if applicable)

Visa Details (if applicable)

Additional medical information (if applicable)